Women in leadership positions are more likely to be undermined, underestimated and belittled – which former Senior Traffic Commissioner Beverley Bell knows only too well… Diverse representation isn’t the be all and end all – attitudes still desperately need to change. Let’s take a look at the reality women leaders in the workplace face, and
Did you know… In a sector that employs almost 3 million people within the UK, women make up just a fifth of the workforce? The topic of gender diversity in the logistics sector has often been overlooked. But, the reality is, whether it’s a lack of representation in leadership positions or gender stereotypes and biases,
There are more women in logistics than ever before. Still, there’s a lot that needs to be done if we want to make this sector truly diverse. Do you want to improve gender diversity in your logistics organisation? You’re in luck, because these five steps are key: Make upskilling a priority. Be transparent about progression.